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Lamps in cafe

Lamps in cafe, Mixed media
Lamps in cafe
These mixed media pieces are of a lamp in a Cafe I used to frequently go to. The unusual shape of the lamp stood out to me and I felt like I had to draw it. I did 30 different drawings of the lamp before I developed it into paintings.

I work from life and observation but I’m not trying to get a pure representation of what I see in front of me. I like drawing from life because it makes me notice details I would never have noticed before like shadows, cracks and colours. I pull colour, shapes and compositions from the ‘everyday’ around me. Seeing a colour or a shape I like often starts my creative process. I am interested in colour, texture and movement. I am also interested in the therapeutic role of art – it’s not always about how things look visually, but actually about how the process made you feel.

Mixed media    42 x 29.7   

No. pieces
acrylic paint, graphite, collage, Indian ink, oil pastel