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The Bagarran 8

The Bagarran 8, Mixed media
The Bagarran 8
The Witchcraft Act was in force between 1563 and 1736. Between these years there were five episodes that stand out as periods of high level accusation and prosecution of witches: 1590-1, 1597, 1628-30, 1649 and 1661-2.
But in 1696 Paisley's blackest period in history began -The Bagarran Witches. In 1697 the Paisley witch hunt started at the instigation of 11yr old Christian Shaw and enabled by local clergy, doctors and people of note. Over 30 people were accused, last largest witch hunt in Scotland, 8 were found Guilty and were executed on June 10th 1697. The 7 who were executed - Catherine Campbell - servant, Agnes Naismith - beggar, Margaret Lang - midwife, John Lindsay - tenant farmer, Margaret Fulton - mental health issues, John Lindsay - general labourer, James Lindsay - tenant farmer & John Reid - Blacksmith, who committed suicide in the tolbooth.
Witch hunts still happen today in Africa and Asia.
But what if the Bagarran witches were accused today how would they be identified?
Fashion, income and interests are so diversified and accepted now. When walking down a busy street, one of the things and shows you an insight to an individual is if they wear a lanyard. This shows where they work, do they have security, who they are, personal interests, what charity they support what affiliated business or event they have attended or supported. So using what little information we have on these individuals, what would their lanyards say about them?

Mixed media    81 x 60 x 2.5    £95.00   

No. pieces
Canvas, paper, plastic, polyester, nickel, Acrylic paint.