Archive Mode. Call Big Art Show 2023 ended on 02/06/2023, 16:30. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Zuza Ruszecka


I am a self-taught undiscovered artist at the beginning of my journey. I work predominantly with painting on canvas, experimenting with textures and finishes and focusing on the influence of the socioeconomic and historical factors on our everyday lives.

During the pandemic I worked on the "isolation" series, playing with graphic and illustrative conventions to depict how the sense of alienation and solitude developed and affected people.

The series that I recently started working on is a natural continuation of "isolation3", which talked of access to spaces being dissimilar to the access to community. "the spaces that inhabit us" delves deeper into the relationship between spaces that we occupy, ourselves and each other. It reflects my continued interest in how the economic and political attitudes influence planning, funding and construction of large scale projects such as bridges, cathedrals or nuclear power plants.
