Archive Mode. Call Big Art Show 2023 ended on 02/06/2023, 16:30. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Lorna Mackay


Lorna is a landscape inspired painter based in central Scotland.  It is this location, alongside her emotional connection with the environment that drives her work. 

Being outdoors is essential to the process and she uses her sketchbook to record observations of the landscape, lochs, and coastlines that she experience. Lorna repeatedly draws and paints the same scene, looking to capture how the different elements: trees, water, and sky, alter depending on time, her mood, perspective, or the ever shifting weather.  It is this repetition that gradually reveals a hidden structure to a landscape that we might not see on initial observation. There is a growing preoccupation with how the countryside has been shaped and the form this takes.  The further Lorna explores this subject the more she appreciate how the experience of living in a rural setting during childhood, then in a city, and back to the countryside has exacted a strong influence on her practice.  
